Sunday, January 31, 2010

4th?--Release of mattergy

Mattergy is the release of matter and energy from a matter-antimatter reaction when gravity causes a bias from the dream-stem-state to spiral into a motionless condition. The goal of that reaction is to regain the dream state. Until the mistake of perception is corrected and its ensuing bias overcome, gravity will always tend to condense matter and energy. to correct the mistake and overcome gravity without resorting to the violence of an antimatter-matter reaction, the direction or goal of cognitive thought must become focused on the original dream-stem-state. With an individual's dream state being his touchstone for conscious thought, action, and dream, the factors that bias his life experience should begin to be less curved and more linear.

This brings us to another question, that concerning the original barren field and single point of reference. It has been asserted that dreams are symbolic. Could not the universe have and anthropomorphic archetypal form? Could not the environment be in the form of a woman and the point of origin be in the form of a man?--perfect and beautiful? This given it would follow that a curvilinear and gravitational universe could be represented by every imperfection and diabolical image of hell.

Sophomore Sr. January 31, 2010

3rd?--Organic or inorganic?

Starting from a simple binary barren field with one point of reference [origin], an organic or living description being that of complete boredom with an overriding desire for change to the opposite, organic development could be considered most feeling sensitive if it proceeded without bias; each new sensation and experience being totally conscious. If bias enters in, it would potentially reduce sensitivity making the experience less vital and therefore less conscious. Organic forms and processes are considered living while inorganic phenomenon are considered non-living, yet it is viewed that organic life processes are derived from an intercourse of non-living matter with some form of energy [as yet] unknown.

The question is, "If the original binary field of reference is organic or living by virtue of its parallel and simultaneous step by step development of form and feeling , what is it that makes a biased development less sensitive or vital? And if when absolute density of matter and energy occur,as in a "black hole", when matter becomes simultaneous with antimatter , motion is increased and variety of form and feeling [consciousness] begins to ascend, what mechanism is it that allows for mattergy to return toward an unbiased dream-stem-state?"

Sophomore Sr. January 31, 2010


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

2cd?--a dream state

A dream state what is it and where did it come from? A dream state, with its infinite possibilities of form and feeling, although possibly helping to explain the lack of relative order found in quantum theory, is still relative to a simple binary beginning relationship i.e. that of a three dimensional coordinate system consisting of a barren environment with a single point [intersection] at its origin.

If it is accepted that an innate systemic need for change can be a motive for increasing and multiplying coordinate relationships one at a time [as in the development of a stem] until a cognitive mistake of perception alters the flow of that stem development, then it follows that all relationships up to the mistake could be considered linear, and all the relationships after the mistake might show some bias or curvature. If linear becomes curvilinear, it tends to spiral which is evidence of gravity, as a spiral becomes more and more dense as it progresses toward its center. Then, when absolute density is achieved [it cannot become any more dense and no motion can be detected] the perceived creation is like a frozen lake, ball, coordinate system--the systemic need for change kicks in and absolute motionlessness becomes absolute motion [action-reaction]-- and BANG !!!

The question is, "What perceptual mistake in the original linear dream-stem-state led to the biasing or curving of that environment into a gravitational field?"

Sophomore, Sr. January 28, 2010


Friday, January 22, 2010

1st ? --a stumulus for the envionment

Is there more than binary environment and stimulus? Is there less? What happens to black holes when they reach absolute density? Where did gravity come from anyway? Why can't we fly as we sometimes do in our dreams? Where do dreams come from? They are not energy, are they? They are not time sensitive, are they? Sometimes they repeat and other times they can't be remembered. It is often said that dreams make life worthwhile. But if life is just an interval from death to death, what's the point? What if the black hole, matter, gravity, energy, and all that is associated with them is really just an interval between dream realities? What would constitute existence in a dream state? What mistake in perception could cause anything with the characteristics of gravity to occur? And once the mistake led to the deathlike grip of gravity on the universe, what would life forms seeking light [and higher life forms translating light as knowledge] have to do with freeing the universe from that grip and returning it to the dream state only wiser for the experience?